
A day in the life of...?



Definition of Death: Contemporary Controversies

Definition of Death: Contemporary Controversies

Robert Veatch


Early in the debate over the definition of death, commentators insisted that a basic distinction be made between two elements of the discussion. What at first appeared to be one question turned out to include at least two separate issues. First, there was a question that seemed primarily scientific: How can we measure that the brain has been irreversibly destroyed (that it has "died")? That seems like the kind of question that those skilled in neurology could answer... We have come to understand this as primarily a question for competent medical scientists.
The second question is quite different in character. It asks whether we as a society or as individuals ought to treat an individual with a dead brain as a dead person. This question is clearly not something about which the neurological community can claim expertise. No amount of neurological study could possibly determine whether those with dead brains should be considered dead people. This is a religious, philosophical, ethical, or public policy question, not one of neurological science. (140)
I have been pressing for this distinction between concept and criteria and some critical implications that follow since the late 1960s. (141)


The only plausible conclusion is that the definition of death is heavily influenced by theological and metaphysical beliefs, along with theories of value. We have learned that, in a pluralistic society, it is unrealistic to expect unanimity on such questions. Hence, a tolerance of pluralism may be the only way to resolve the public policy debate. (142)
[I]n fact, it is unlikely that any single position could come close to a majority. There may be no alternative but to tolerate multiple views. (143)





  • 死の定義は科学的事実ではなく規範的な判断だというところは、もう少し説明があると助かる。ここが納得できないと、先の議論に行けないため。
  • 寛容の話を持ってきて、まるで脳死の論争を宗教と科学の対立のようなフレームワークで論じているのは、少し怪しげに見えるため、戦略としては損をしているかもしれない。
  • ヴィーチは長年高次脳死を支持しているが、高次脳死が確実に判定できるのかという批判もあるはず*1。これについては特に何も述べていないのが気になった。


[A] whole-brain definition might be viewed as the centrist view that would serve as the default position, permitting those with more conservative views to opt for cardiac-oriented definitions and those with more liberal views to opt for certain higher-brain formulations. (147)



In general, whole-brain definitions appealed primarily to those who sought objective solutions for practical clinical problems, whereas higher-brain definitions attracted support from those who emphasized the need for value-based decisions and conceptual clarity...
However, these patterns may be due more to differences in professional cultures than to logically inherent differences in the competing concepts. Higher-brain definitions have been used to expand the professional role of philosophers, and consequently such definitions may have attracted more conceptually sophisticated advocates, but that does not mean that the whole-brain position is intrinsically incoherent. And many higher-brain advocates spent more time demonstrating the general need for values than they did defending the particular values they esposed. Few of the philosophers who supported higher-brain definitions considered to what extent their supreme valuation of mental functions might be a product of their particular professional culture, rather than a value shared to the same extent by other occupations and social classes. (20)


Belkin argues that, in the name of populist autonomy, Veatch constructed a new bioethics elite to replace medical authority... Some bioethicists may have used patient autonomy to mask their own drive for professional power. But those who believe that bioethics should monopolize the definition of death are contemptuous of Veatch for his insistence that patients be allowed to choose between brain and heart-lung criteria. Professionalization is still a very divisive issue among bioethicists. (32-3, n. 83)


Norman Fost

死の定義は必要ないという論者。全脳死基準は死の実感に合ってないし、そもそも臓器移植や治療の中止のために、死の再定義をする必要はない、Dead Donor Ruleにこだわらなければよいのだ、と論じている。実はRoger Dworkinという論者が1973年にも同じような主張をしていたらしい(Death in context. Ind Law J 1973;48:623-39)。以下、少し抜き書き。

Eighteen years after the Harvard report, despite uniform state laws, it is still contrary to the intuition of many, including myself, to call someone dead whose normal bodily functions continue. (174)


Organ removal should be considered justified when no apparent interest of the patient is violated and appropriate permission has been obtained. A redefinition of death was not necessary for the claimed social purposes, nor has the redefinition been effective in achieving the stated goals. The original social problems -- facilitating termination of treatment and improving organ supply -- are more prevalent today...
My suggestion--today, as in 1983--is that we abandon the dead-donor rule and recurrent redefinitions of death. Instead, I suggest that we find more narrow justifications and legal rationales for the removal of organs, the discontinuation of life support, and the other social goals for which death has ill served us. (175)


