
Every day is like survival



I have rules: I do nothing but write in July and August, and every morning when I wake up, I love to read my email and reject lots of invitations before I get up! It makes me feel free. The only times I travel internationally are June 15 to 30 and December 5 to 20. And within the US about one out-of-town lecture or conference a month, never canceling classes.

So I get up around 6:30 AM, have coffee, juice, and an energy bar, do some type of cardio from 8 to 9 (usually running, on the gym-quality treadmill in my home), and then some situps or arm weights, and twice a week in the late afternoon I go downtown to my gym to do weight machines. Then at 9:15 or so I shower, dress, and practice singing until around 10:15. Then I go to the office. After that it all depends what and when I’m teaching, whether I have taught that thing before, whether we’re interviewing job candidates or I’m on a tenure committee or whatever. Basically, I write whenever I don’t have something else to do. I love writing and get to it eagerly whenever time permits. But in the evening I just read stuff, and don’t typically write. So that’s the plan.