
A day in the life of...


まだヌスバウムのインタビューをゆっくり読んでいる。"Textual criticism is a marvelous discipline." 今日、二次文献を読むことにあくせくしているわけだが、こういう記述を読むと、ゆっくり一冊の古典をきっちりと読むという作業が哲学では重要だということを再認識させられる。

When it came time for my dissertation I chose a topic – editing Aristotle’s De Motu Animalium – where I could do it all. The work is very short, and involves Aristotle’s attempt to give what he calls a “common explanation” of all animal movement. It touches on central issues in Aristotle – the nature of scientific explanation, the role of cognition and desire in explaining behavior, the nature of imagination – but little had been written about its contributions, because for a time the work had been considered spurious. I wrote five philosophical essays on central themes, I edited the text from a new analysis of the manuscript tradition, I translated it, and did a line by line commentary. Textual criticism is a marvelous discipline.