
A day in the life of...?



Definition of Death: Contemporary Controversies

Definition of Death: Contemporary Controversies


In the 1930s the Soviet Institute of Experimental Physiology used a primitive mechanical heart-lung device both to maintain life in the severed heads of dogs and to revive whole dogs after 15 minutes of induced cardiac arrest. In the 1950s and 1960s, White and Albin used their research in hypothermia both to preserve dog brains for transplantation and to revive whole animals after prolonged cold-induced apparent death. p. 5

`severed heads of dogs'とか`whole dogs'という表現が怖い。当時の論文名には、`Metabolism of Isolated Perfused Cat's Brain'(1939)とか、`Isolation of the Monkey Brain: In Vitro Preparation and Maintenance'(1963)とかがある。次はソ連らしい話。

The Soviet researchers studying resuscitation insisted that their work reflected a specifically Marxist-materialist definition of life, in which death was not necessarily irreversible. They equated life with the interruptible motions of a machine, such as a clock. (p. 6)


...the medical profession was slow to adopt discoveries ranging from hypothermia resuscitation to community-based cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Articles in the clinical literature on death continued to dismiss head transplants as impractical speculation and science fiction, even after physiologists had demonstrated such procedures on higher vertebrates. p. 7




The ensuing controversy between advocates of whole-brain and higher-brain criteria for diagnosing brain death often reflected a much older conceptual contest over whether mental activity or bodily integration constituted the essense of human life. p. 12


At a New York Academy of Sciences discussion of brain death in 1970, Beecher vented his frustration "that lawyers believe nothing should ever be done for the first time." Gary Belkin found that, in marginal comments on a paper by philosopher Robert Veatch, Beecher wrote that "these arguments, statements, etc. reveal how useless `philosophy' of this kind is to intellectual life!" p. 13


医療不信は当時のB級映画にも反映されており、殺人によって臓器が盗まれるという映画がいくつも作られた。ビーチャーはそういう大衆の無知に基づく医療不信を`Luddite populism'と捉え、それに対する医療界の権威を守ろうとした。(16)



Media coverage consistently repeated the commission's explanation that new criteria for death would protect the public from medical technology, rather that the other way around. p. 18


Few of the philosophers who supported higher-brain definitions considered to what extent their supreme valuation of mental functions might be a product of their particular professional culture, rather than a value shared to the same extent by other occupations and social classes. 20



Most statutes that recognize more than one set of death criteria assign the choice to the physician. However, in response to religious dissent, New Jersey allowed patients to choose among specified alternative criteria, a position endorsed by Veatch and other advocates of patient autonomy. (32)

死の基準と定義の区別が導入されたのは1977年(DL. Stickel, The Brain Death Criterion of Human Death' in Ethics in Science and Medicine 6)。それ以前の議論にこの区別を当てはめるときにはアナクロニズムに注意しなければならない。また、保守派は「自分たちの脳死の議論は新しい定義を導入している」わけではないと言い、急進的な哲学者は「自分たちは新しい定義を提案している」と言うように、政治的・論争に用いられる区別でもある。22-23
