
A day in the life of...?


どうも、オバマ大統領の医療保険改革では、日本の後期高齢者制度導入のさいに問題になった「終末期相談支援料」のようなものをメディケアでカバーしようとしているらしく、それが保守派の槍玉にあげられているようだ(「お婆ちゃんを殺す気か」)。エゼキエル・エマニュエルも含めて、みなimmoral `utility'の支持者だということにされている。以下はエマニュエルらの論文について。

In a complex web of interlocking principles for allocating medical treatment, in an environment where rationing is assumed, Dr. Emanuel opines that teenagers should have priority over infants, because they have received more resources from society. Older people, however, are "objectively less valuable," so, yes, granny does have to die. Under this system, using utilitarian and amoral criteria like "distributive justice," young healthy people from ages 15-40 get priority, and the rest, including grandma, may not.
