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Definition of Death: Contemporary Controversies

Definition of Death: Contemporary Controversies

James L. Bernat


Most scholars have accepted the desirability of analyzing the concept of death by first agreeing on its definition, then formulating a general, measurable criterion to show that the definition has been fulfilled by being both necessary and sufficient for death, and finally developing a series of medical tests to prove that the criterion of death has been satisfied. (83)

死の定義、基準、検査方法を区別しろという話。この区別の導入は、Bernatらの1981年の論文が有名だが、1972年のCapron, Kassらの論文(A statutory definition of the standards of determining human death: An appraisal and a proposal. Univ Pen Law Rev 1972;121:87-118)に由来するそうだ。*1

[D]eath is fundamentally a biological concept, so that all and only living organisms can die. Death has important social, psychological, religious, cultural, anthropological, and spiritual dimensions, but it is ultimately a biological event concluding the life of every organism. (83)

Death is a biological concept, and only biological organisms can die. Personhood is a psychosocial and spiritual concept, and personhood cannot die except in a metaphorical sense. When we say that a person died, we are referring to the organism that was the person. (89)


死はプロセスかイベントかという論争は、1971年のMorisonとKassの議論が有名。Morison RS. Death: Process or event? Science 1971;173:694-98; Kass LR. Death as an event: A commentary on Robert Morison. Science 1971;173:698-702.*2 Bernatは社会的にも医学的にも死を一時点で決める必要があり、全脳死でOKだと言っている(84)。

1981年のBernatの論文では、脳死になると神経内分泌機能もなくなると主張していたが、どうもそうではないことがわかった。そこで、現在はこの機能は定義的に「重要ではないnot critical」な機能とすることで、全脳死基準を維持しようとする。

I concede that this example shows that not all functions of the organism as a whole must be lost in brain death...
Death should be defined as the permanent cessation of the critical functions of the organism as a whole... Criticality refers to the extent to which a given function of the organism as a whole is necessary for the continued health and life of the organism. (86)

あってもなくてもそれほど影響がない機能であれば、無視してもよいということのようだ。さらに、ADH(antidiuretic hormone)が分泌されているかどうかは臨床的にはわからず、ラボでテストしないといけないので、それも無視してよい理由のひとつとされる。

I have refined this criterion of death ["the permanent cessation of all functions of the whole brain"] to become "the permanent cessation of the clinical functions of the entire brain." ...
My term clinical functions refers to what the President's commision called "systemic, integrated functioning." My term clinical functions includes physical signs of brain functions that are detectable on ordinary bedside neurological examination but excludes the meaningless cellular activities of isolated nests of surviving neurons, as well as those brain activities that cannot be measured at the bedside... (87)
I believe that ADH secretion should not be classified as a clinical function because its presence or absence is not assessed or detected on a usual clinical examination and requires a laboratory test for diagnosis. (88)

脳波形で少し動きが見られたりするだけでは、機能が残存しているとは言えない。また、ADH分泌機能は、ラボでないと確認できないので、定義上、臨床的機能から外れるとされる。前者はともかく、後者はad hocだよなあ。臨床的検査かラボでの検査かというのは道徳的に重要な違いとは思われない。仮にADH分泌の有無がベッドサイドで簡単に調べられるようになったらどう言うのだろう。単にラボでの検査はカウントしないというのでは、死亡を判断する医師の特権を擁護しているだけだと批判されそうだ。

Chris Pallis


[I]n my opinion, the brainstem dead were dead (because irreversibly unconscious and irreversibly apneic) irrespective of their cardiac prognosis... I suggested in 1983 that death occurred when a pathological event (whether cardiologic or primarily intracranial) produced both irreversible loss of the capacity for consciousness and irreversible loss of the capacity to breathe and that this should be consedered a valid definiton of death. (95, 96)


Brody 1993の提案は、Alistair Browneという英国の哲学者が1983年に行っているそうだ。そのときのPallisの批判は、死の定義を作らずに、いつ臓器移植してよいか、いつ治療中止してよいか等のルールを作ると、恣意的になり、維持が困難だというもの。(Browne A. Whole-brain death reconsidered. J Med Ethics 1983;9:28-31)

*1:Capronらのはconcepts, standards, criteria, tests and proceduresの四レベルだそうだ(118)。さらにわかりにくいな。
